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package glshader
// Adapted from the OpenGL Superbible
var VertexShaderSource string = `
#version 330
precision mediump float;
struct Light {
vec3 position;
vec4 ambient;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
uniform mat4 model; // Model
uniform mat4 camera; // View
uniform mat4 projection; // Projection
uniform Light light;
// Inputs
in vec3 vertPos;
in vec3 vertNormal;
in vec2 vertTexCoord;
// Outputs
smooth out vec3 fragNormal;
out vec2 fragTexCoord;
smooth out vec3 lightDir;
void main() {
// Get the surface normal in eye coordinates
fragNormal = mat3(transpose(inverse(model))) * vertNormal;
fragNormal = normalize(fragNormal);
// Get the vertex position in eye coordinates
vec3 position3 = vec3(model * vec4(vertPos, 1));
// Get the vector to the light source(s)
lightDir = light.position - position3;
lightDir = normalize(lightDir);
// Pass through the texture coordinates
fragTexCoord = vertTexCoord;
// Transform the geometry
gl_Position = projection * camera * vec4(position3, 1);