# Carpy Breakout This project depends on [SDL2][2]. This library should be available for nearly any system you can find. * Debian - libsdl2-dev * pkgsrc - devel/SDL2 Then simply run `make` to build. Launch the game with `./carpy-breakout`. Press `F` to toggle fullscreen. Press `L` to toggle wireframe mode. Press `K` to toggle freelook mode. ## Coordinate System For the code, I was using the right-hand rule (turned around) for the 3d coordinates. If you were looking straight ahead, forward is -Z, right is +X, and up is +Y. ## Why "Carpy"? Because it's a funny misspelling of "Crappy". This was originally going to be a bad, crappy game for me to learn Golang and re-learn SDL and OpenGL stuff. It ended up being a bit nicer than I expected. ## License/Copyright This project is licensed under the [2-Clause BSD License][1], a permissive open source license. Essentially you can use this code for any purpose so long as you acknowledge me for creating it. You can find the full text in `License.md`. Another file called `Attribution.md` contains links to the other projects used to build this one. [1]: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause [2]: https://www.libsdl.org/